Kaydens starts the scene by stripping all the way down to her panties, before putting on a pair of blue tights / leggings over the top.
She holds them open and pours in a bucket full of pink cake batter, giggling and laughing in true Kaydens style as she does so. She shows off the mess in her tights front and back.
Next up it's a bucket of blue batter. The leggings are really getting full of mess, and Kaydens quickly follows up with a bucket of black gunge.
"Gosh, they are so heavy now" she giggles
With the tights/leggings really full, Kaydens takes the opportunity to pour the next bucekt, of green batter, over her head... getting some in her hair and plenty covering her face, and bare tits... plus some in the tights too.
The ooze is really bulging at the bottom of the tights too... she makes sure the cameraperson gets some good closeups.
Next it's a bucket of orange slops over the head, and, with her tights held open, down inside the tights too, quickly followed by some more blue batter.
She is making sure her face and chest are totally covered and even gets some black batter and smears it over her arms. Kaydens can never resist fully trashing herself, even when the focus is the leggings.
Now, finally, she takes off the trashed and filled leggings, and peels down her panties too, exposing her bare pussy.
She then puts on a new clean pair of red tights/pantyhose (these are more like traditional pantyhose in that they cover the foot too) before holding them open and pouring in a bucket of grey/black slops.
She scoops up more slops for a second go, being sure to show off all the mess stored inside the tights.
"Oh these are so heavy" she laughs, and after a third load of mess, she finally removes the tights and shows them off to you, before finally sitting naked in the bath and pouring slop buckets over her head and then sliding round in all the mess in true Kaydens style.
Note: Okay... there may be some linguistic confusion here. I think that what you call pantyhose in the US, equals what we call tights.
In this video Kaydens refers to the first item as tights... but they don't envelop her feet, stopping at her ankles. I think we would call those leggings.
The second pair are definitely what we would call tights, as they cover from the feet to the waist.
If in any doubt, please refer to the pictures