The Monarch has conjured up some messy Christmas fun

We see a poster saying "Father Christmas Games... great Fun."
We see Nicolette reading a book "How to Cheat and Win" and looking smug and confident. Then she hears Father Christmas coming, and quickly hides the book.
Now we are at the Christmas Games. We see Father Christmas welcoming the contestants--Dymphna, Sadhbh and then Nicolette. He asks each girl in turn "are you a good girl?," and they all say they are, and that they will play fairly. We then have our first event which is rock, paper, pie. Santa is referee and we start with Nicolette versus Dymphna. It's a one round rock, paper, scissors--however we can clearly see Nicolette cheat and change her hand at the last minute. Despite Dymphna's protests, Santa declares Nicolette the winner and Nicolette gets to pie her with a shaving cream pie... which she gets great pleasure from and laughs at Dymphna and how silly she looks. We then have a very similar scene with Nicolette and Sadhbh where exactly the same thing happens. Nicolette cheats, and Sadhbh protests but Father Christmas declares Nicolette the winner and so Sadhbh gets pied. Nicolette loves humiliating her opponent and is laughing. Then Santa explains it is time for apple bobbing--all three girls are kneeling in front of buckets of water with apples in. When Santa gives the signal, the other two girls start trying to get the apples with their mouths. Nicolette doesn't even try. Father Christmas then receives a call on his mobile and walks off-set. When this happens Nicolette unties both of her opponents' bikini tops; and also has time to fish out her apples from her own bucket with her hands. The other girls do not notice anything.
Santa then returns and stops the game. At this point the other two girls notice they are topless, both to their and Santa's surprise, and they are embarrassed and try to cover their boobs. Santa then counts the apples removed and of course Nicolette has won and Santa declares her the winner. As punishment for losing, he removes any apples from the two buckets of water, then pours one bucket of water over each losing girl's head (Nicolette is laughing and taunting), and then he asks Nicolette if she would like to empty her bucket of water over the other girls. She eagerly agrees, and pours half of the water over each opponent, and enjoys laughing and taunting them.
We then move to Christmas Day. All three girls are now in pretty party dresses and everyone has a drink, and are chatting happily with Father Christmas. Then Father Christmas says he has a present for each girl. Each girl then gets to sit on Santa's knee, while he gives them a present We start with the other two girls and each gets something nice and is delighted. Then it's Nicolette's turn and she gets her present... and opens it to reveal a piece of coal. She is not happy but then Santa points to a poster on the wall showing her place on her naughty list.