Lady Satine Pyewell is a very posh lady! You are interviewing her for a role in a new TV programme "The Upper Class... " She hopes it is a quality programme not the usual tacky cheap TV show!
You then get her to try out a few lines. She is keen, as she is a snob and wants to impress.
Sadly for Satine the lines are:
"Please give me a pie" (At which point she is pied in the face) "I want to have the pie" (pied again in the face). and "That pie looks super... let me have it" (Pied again)
Then you tell her need to do lines again this time with more passion! You can guess what happens once again.
This ordeal over, Lady Piewell wipes away the mess as much as possible beginning to get a bit concerned how things are going. You reassure her and say the audience will be full of rich successful men... which seems to work.
You give her next line:
"Custard or cream. which one should I choose?" Of course you help her out by giving her both

Then you get her to repeat the lines with multiple tones and inflections... but each time, the same messy outcome. Lady Piewell is now *very* wary of how the audition is going!
Her fears are hardly assuaged when you ask her to deliver her next line with you holding a bucket of green gunge over her
"You wouldn't gunge me I am the star" is her line... and she delivers it with passion... throwing her arms in air... but you still tip the bucket's contents all over her.
Finally Lady Piewell shouts: "I cant see! Give me some water." and you oblige by throwing a bucket of cold water over her. She is not very happy!
Watch out for our post scene interview where we surprise "Lady Piewell" with another bucket of gunge.