The Mess: 8 buckets of freezing cold water, 48 x white standard size shaving cream pies, 12 coloured standard size shaving cream pies, 1 x white extra large shaving cream pie, 8 x buckets of slime (Red, orange, yellow, green, dark "navy" blue, pink, purple and sky blue ), 1 x bucket of caramel, 1 x bucket of guacamole, Sprinkles, 1 x bag of flour, 1 x bucket of treacle / molasses Yes... there's even more mess for this special occasion. Apart from a pie received by Lily, Judge Jenny takes the lot!
Judge Jenny returns to hear another case. However, to her shock, Kimmi has brought a case against Jenny herself. When hosting one of our game shows, Jenny had misunderstood the rules, and disadvantaged Kimmi. The Monarch appoints a special judge to decide this case, and Judge Lily finds Jenny... guilty. So Jenny takes the naked super trashing, with all the incredible mess outlined above. The Judge, who has enjoyed delivering messy justice to so many, so often; finally loses her dignity in the court, being totally trashed while stark naked, all her authority gone. She thought she was immune from trashings in her role as Judge, but she should have known us better

. The trashing seems endless, and of course, even after she showers herself clean, she's not safe, as there's loads more messy madness still to come.
By the end she is totally embarrassed and humiliated.